A Bahama Mama Wedding

A Bahama Mama Wedding
Such a Fun Day!

Saturday, September 17, 2011

If God Made Prettier Days...

Have you ever heard the saying " If God made prettier days, he kept them for himself"?!  Today, that couldn't be more true! The sun is shining, the sky is blue, the leaves are turning and the breeze is just cool enough.  I don't know if I've ever seen a day quite like today. 

On my to do list for this gorgeous Saturday:
1. study neuro
2. study neuro
3. study neuro
4. study neuro
5. go for a run
6. study more neuro

what I have accomplished this gorgeous Saturday:
1. sleep in until the sun was already up (a rarity in our house)
2. light a fire in the fireplace and open the patio door to pretend we are camping in the living room- complete with a whole family cuddle
3. eat quesadillas for breakfast with TWO cups of coffee instead of one
4. walk Zoe
5. fetch the motorcycle
6. deliver the motorcycle
7. chat at the motorcycle repair shop for...oh...2 hours
8. post on my new blog

So as you can see, I'm a little off schedule today. Its ok, I have plenty of time to get caught up this afternoon.

In bigger news... the Mr is ready for a motorcycle of his own.  This is something that both terrifies me and excites me.  Mr told me about his plans for a motorcycle before we even started dating.  Now that we have the money and are in such a pretty location, it is time.  I want him to ride because he LOVES to ride!  I know that it is something he can do just for himself, and he really deserves that... But at the same time, we are both well aware of the dangers of riding a motorcycle in this part of the country/ any part of the country, really. 

He has been looking and looking and looking at bike adds, but hasn't had the nerve to call anyone to make an offer.  So today I put my foot down.. "MR, IF YOU DON'T CALL AND PUT IN AN OFFER TODAY, I AM GOING TO DO IT FOR YOU.  AND YOU BETTER BELIEVE YOU ARE GOING TO GET THE ONE THAT I THINK LOOKS THE PRETTIEST!!"  Mr was afraid to spend that much money on himself, which is what I thought might be the cause of the delail.  But after my very dangerous threat (lol), he decided that he was going to put in an offer.  So this time next week, we may be the proud owners of a Honda XR650, possibly in pink depending on who makes the call first. 

I'll just continue hoping and praying that my Mr stays safe on these crazy roads. 

Enjoy this beautiful Saturday! 

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