A Bahama Mama Wedding

A Bahama Mama Wedding
Such a Fun Day!

Monday, September 12, 2011

A Day In the Life

A day in the life of Mrs.
6:00am- alarm goes off, snooze button
6:09am-alarm goes off, snooze button
6:18am- get out of bed.. probably the saddest part of any given day
7:00am- finish getting ready so I can take weenie pants for her morning walk
7:30am- get home from walk, grab multiple piles of crap thrown about the apartment
7:40am- drop Mr off at school for his very first medical school exam "Good luck Brew"
7:55am- Hospital for Orientation to Ortho Surgery
8:30am- want to shoot myself because orientation is that boring.
9:30am- back to campus for some hardcore studying. OMM review winter quarter last year
Noon- Table Trainers mandatory 1 hour meeting- at least they feed us delicious soup!
1:10pm- Regional Neuro Anatomy II
2:10pm- Physiology and Anatomy of Cranial Nerves I
3:10pm- Physiology and Anatomy of Cranial Nerves II
4:00pm- hurry up and send the Army the last of my marriage documentation so they stop yelling at me.  Multiple phone calls/ texts to the hubster to make sure we have everything filed correctly
4:10pm- Anatomy of the Cerebral Cortex I
5:00pm- Run and Abs
6:15pm- Study OMM with Big and Tall
7:30pm- husband rescues me from studying
8:00pm- dinner!  I was so hungry! 
8:15pm- sit down and write my second blog of all time while entertaining weenie pants on my lap
8:30pm- I will have at least another 2-3 hours of solid studying left.  I hope 3, but would be happy with 2 if it would be quality. 

Wooooooooooo! I'm tired just thinking about all that stuff lol.  I LOVE it though. I knew when I decided I wanted to go to medical school I was choosing a lifestyle, and not a career. I knew that it would mean long nights of studying, long days of classes, and lots of following around -not-so-friendly- doctors.  I'm ok with that, because in the long run, I will be able to help people using knowledge that I love!  It makes it even better that the Mr is in the same field.  He understands all the amazing details in medicine! He gets as excited as I do when we hear of a new treatment or fresh research.  It makes it even more special.  I didn't grow up wanting to be a doctor, but I'm sure glad thats where I'm heading now.

What do your days look like? I'm sure they are much more exciting than mine! 

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