A Bahama Mama Wedding

A Bahama Mama Wedding
Such a Fun Day!

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Are you doing this to glorify yourself or to glorify God?

Today I made the most delicious smelling creme brulee coffee.  As I was impatiently waiting for it to finish brewing, the sunshine that was streaming in my window was blocked for just one instant.  I leaned forward and looked into our backyard, up toward the tippy tops of the trees to find one beautiful yellow leaf blocking out the only ray of sunshine to find itself into our whole house.  It was 50 feet up, at least, and falling so gracefully toward the ground little by little.  I watched it make its journey, into its final resting place 10 feet from our window. 

As I watched the leaf fall lower, I could feel my stress lift higher. 

This morning we read the second chapter of "Crazy Love" By: Frances Chan for our Sunday school class.  The chapter was all about stress and worry being a sign of arrogance.  God has the master plan not you, not me.  After we read the chapter by a dying fire in the living room, I gave my days worries to God.  They are not in my control, and all I can do...is my best. 

It was so strange too, when I watched that leaf fall... I detoured away from my perfect and comfy spot on the couch, in between by sleeping husband and cuddling dog, and got my notes out of the office.  It no longer felt like a chore to study.  I wanted to.  I was ready to start down this long road, and suddenly I wasn't overwhelmed. 

Pictures of my backyard to come.  It is getting prettier and prettier by the day! 

Happy Sunday!! 

PS. Big and Tall, if you would happen to read this, last night was so much fun! Thanks for the cider! Next time we are all carving pumpkins!!!  (Now you are even :) )

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Blah Blah Blah

I just calculated how far behind I am... 22 lectures behind.  Oh man.  I knew that I was busy doing other things, but I didn't realize how busy I was until I calculated out this number.

Since my practical is one week from Tuesday, and my Written is two weeks from Monday.. I have some work ahead of me. 

My goal (maybe I will stick to it if I actually write it down):
1. Get through weeks 1 and 2 of lectures this weekend. Plus 2 stops to the anatomy lab
2. Monday get through weeks 3 of lectures: plus one stop in the lab
3. Tuesday night and Wednesday night: get through week 4 of lectures: 2 stops in lab
4. Thursday and Friday: anatomy, pathology, radiology, and histology reviews: 2 stops in lab
5. Saturday and  Sunday: Review weeks 5: 1 long stop in lab
6. Monday: Anatomy, pathology, radiology, and histology reviews: one short stop in lab to review
7. Tuesday night after practical: Start reviewing week 1
8. Wednesday: week 2
9. Thursday: week 3
10. Friday: week 4
11. Saturday: weeks 5 and 6
12. Sunday: review material for Monday afternoon written exam.  If I could get through every single lecture one more time on Sunday, I would buy myself a new outfit! Shoes, top, pants, and matching accessories! 

Alright Mrs.  Back to work!!!
Hope you are having an amazing weekend! Enjoy the last bit of your September!

PS. Miss Weenie Pants is cuddling me while I'm studying/ blogging.  The chilly air here is keeping her close by!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Older and Wiser

Love my family!  Wish you were here little brother! Hope you have an awesome night in Michigan.

The Birthday Buddies!!  Happy birthday Matt and Tete!

My Favorite picture from the reception.  The third kid from the left...the one who is running away and dry heaving.. yes! That is my little brother!!

Happy Birthday to the very greatest little brother I could ask for!  I love you kid!  Wish we could be there with you today!!

Missing my family on their very special days!

Happy Birthday Teter!  We miss you and we love you! Hope you enjoy your flights today!

I am the luckiest big sister and niece you could ever hope to meet!
Missing days like this!

Or days like this... minus the copper head attack (story to come)
Love you guys always!

Monday, September 19, 2011


So before I even started blogging, my friends and I talked about the concept of "Domestic Goddess"! It was a favorite coffee shop topic in fact.  I couldn't wait to blog about it, and found the perfect opportunity a few days ago.  I just wanted to add a little clarification to what I already wrote.  It is important to me that nobody thinks I'm trying to say their lifestyle is wrong, rather, I was trying to say that my lifestyle is NOT wrong.  So, here is my clarification.  Maybe this helps to better express what I was trying to say in my very. very. very long winded post.  Dusty Pants, thank you for always making me think about this shit! Can't wait for our next girl talk date.


***I would also like to ensure no one is getting the wrong idea. I don't think there is anything wrong with staying home with your family. I think in fact, the women that don't stay home are constantly feeling the pressures to do more to take care of their families, and less to pursue a career. I'm sure everyone feels pressures to do something or not do something differently. What I was trying to stress here is that each person has a set of gifts that they should be proud of. And no matter if your gifts are cooking and raising kids, or maintaining an ER, you should be proud of those gifts, and work to do your very best at them! I don't think it is wrong to stay home and be a wonderful wife and mother, but I also know that it is NOT wrong to pursue a career! Sometimes its hard to hear over and over and over that "I am going to be missing out on so much", or "what does your husband think about you working...", or :" that doesn't leave much time for raising a family properly" or  "oh... you are going to have to work... that's so sad.." It gets old, hurtful, and frustrating, and I know you ladies feel the same crappy pressure to be somebody that you are not, no matter what those pressures are!

I hope today you can soar above the pressures and can be proud of whatever role you fill!!

Hope that clarifies!

Have a happy Monday!

The Early Bird Gets the Worm... Or Rained On.

This morning I didn't hit the snooze button, didn't sip my coffee, and didn't snuggle my Z in my warm bed.  I got up at 5:55am, put on my shoes, woke Zoe up (yes, in fact my dog is like a teenager and you must gently pull her from the covers and lift her lifeless little body out of bed if you actually want her to get up, if not, she just runs right back in bed)  had walked her, ran my typical morning route, and stretched my legs all before 7:00am.  It feels great to get that out of the way before I have to head to class. 

Yesterday we went to church after Mr and I had our little blow up.  I was SOOO ANGRY.  I didn't want to sit by him in Sunday School, didn't want to look at him, and didn't want to worship with him NO WAY.  When we sat down, Dr. Amops, a professor at the medical school and a great friend and spiritual mentor, started reading 1 Corinthians:

"4Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 6Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. ....

13And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love."

What are the odds that we would read that particular message on that particular Sunday morning.  I sat in my seat next to my husband trying not to cry in front of my friends. I had whiplash from my immediate change in emotion.  I have never been so angry, then so so so very sorry in that incredibly short time.  We left after Sunday School, I didn't think I could sit through a whole service, and in fact, I couldn't even make it to the car before the water works started. 

I was being proud.  I was being stubborn. I was not being very patient. I was self-seeking.  I felt like a gigantic ass hole.  And by the time I got home at 11:00am, I felt like I had just ran an emotional ultra marathon. I spent the rest of the afternoon numb.  Thinking about what I was going to do next about my ILs.

When dealing with Mr's family, I feel like there are two distinct Me's:

 1. The proud independent woman who refuses to let his family walk all over me and treat me and Mr like we don't matter.  She won't buy into their selfish ways.  She won't be bothered with people who can't show her even the tiniest ounce of respect.  She refuses to listen to their criticisms of her life with her new husband.  She refuses to compromise on who she is to make MIL more comfortable. Afterall, its her problem if she is intimidated by proud independent Mrs.  She won't apologize again.  The first time the other me apologized, MIL said "You should be sorry" and never reciprocated an apology... MIL doesn't deserve another apology after that. 

2. Then there is the girl who only wants to make everyone happy.  She wants to tell my ILs that it is OK if they don't show respect to me, because I know it makes them uncomfortable.  She wants to apologize again, telling them she never meant to draw such a thick line in the sand. She wants to say its ok that you tried to ruin my wedding week with your misbehaving, because it must have been so so hard to watch your first son get married.  Its ok that you spread viscious lies about me, because you were feeling insecure and I wasn't, and you couldn't take that.  I understand that you have never had to deal with someone like me, or someone who wouldn't follow your every instruction, and that must be tough.  I will forgive you.  I will forgive.

I could go on and on.  There is the great divide taking place in my head.  The emotions surrounding Mr's family have reached an all time high.  Just bringing up their names now sends me into a whirlwind of tears and hurt feelings.  Its really quite embarassing.  I'm working on it.  I'm trying my very very hardest to forgive them, because I don't think I can move past this until I figure out how to forgive. 

In the end, I don't think the emotions I'm feeling have anything to do with me.  I don't need his family, I lived 20 years without them, and did just fine.  But Mr needs them.   I have watched Mr's family, all 4 of them, take advantage of Mr for the last 5 years.  They make huge demands of him and can't reciprocate.  They watch him bend over backwards time and time again, but when he needs them most, can never take time to be there for him.  Mr has come to terms with this.  He says that he doens't rely on them anymore, he just appreciates the time he can spend with them.  He doesn't look to them for support or encouragement, because he finds that elsewhere. I can't accept this for some reason.  I don't feel like its good enough.  He deserves as much love and respect or support and encouragement as he gives... and his family just doens't cut it.  I'm working on it. I'm going to work with Dr. and Mrs. Amops from church, to get past this.  To forgive. 

If you have any advice on how to start this incredibly hard process, I would love to hear your thoughts.  I've never met anyone going through anything like this, and I really don't know where to begin. 

Happy Monday! 

Sunday, September 18, 2011

A Cranky Start

This morning I am cranky.  Maybe it was the lack of productivity yesterday, or maybe it was the Mr bringing up his family before I even had my coffee... I may never know.  But I do know that I wouldn't come near me with a ten foot pole. 
So the cat is out of the bag.... my in-laws (IL) and I don't have the best relationship.  I think they are the most selfish people I have ever met, and they blame me for every problem their family has had in the last 5 years.... Its pretty mutual. 
I didn't wake up prepared to think about them, or to deal with the emotions I feel each and every time they are brought up in our home.  Mr is in the man-cave studying in silence and I took Zoe for her second walk of the morning before 8:00am.  It has the potential to be a very long day today..

I tried calling my Mom to ask her opinion, but she loves the Mr, and never says anything that could potentially hurt his feelings.  I respect her for that.  I'm just thankful that half of our family wants to be involved with us, and for the other half... we haven't worked that out yet. 

Next weekend we get to see my family for apple picking.  My very favorite fall activity!!  The only thing keeping it from a perfect trip is my little brother won't be able to make it. 

Miss you guys today! Wish we could be with you this weekend visiting Little Brother
My Mom and I have blown kisses since I was a little girl.  Love you Momma.

Daddy picked our Father-Daughter Dance... "Because I got high"  Every single picture we are cracking up.  We had all the Daddies and Daughters dance with us!

Love my little brother

It was a fun week with people we love
Wish everyday could be like this day!

Hope your Sunday started much better than mine. 

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Quote of the Day

"I won't argue my words with anyone - nor will I argue with you about yours. If you are offended by what I write, don't read it. ~ Renee "

I found this on another blog, and couldn't resist posting it. 

Have you ever noticed that those who argue are typically defensive, and those who are defensive are typically feeling insecure?  I sure notice this.  I am also guilty of this!

One great thing about medical school is that it teaches you to be objective, even in your personal life sometimes.  I have found that when I remove my emotions from a situation, and look at it objectively, usually I'm much less inclined to feel offended or insecure, and that can hold the arguing to a minimum. 

Just some food for thought... now I'm seriously going to go study neuro!


If God Made Prettier Days...

Have you ever heard the saying " If God made prettier days, he kept them for himself"?!  Today, that couldn't be more true! The sun is shining, the sky is blue, the leaves are turning and the breeze is just cool enough.  I don't know if I've ever seen a day quite like today. 

On my to do list for this gorgeous Saturday:
1. study neuro
2. study neuro
3. study neuro
4. study neuro
5. go for a run
6. study more neuro

what I have accomplished this gorgeous Saturday:
1. sleep in until the sun was already up (a rarity in our house)
2. light a fire in the fireplace and open the patio door to pretend we are camping in the living room- complete with a whole family cuddle
3. eat quesadillas for breakfast with TWO cups of coffee instead of one
4. walk Zoe
5. fetch the motorcycle
6. deliver the motorcycle
7. chat at the motorcycle repair shop for...oh...2 hours
8. post on my new blog

So as you can see, I'm a little off schedule today. Its ok, I have plenty of time to get caught up this afternoon.

In bigger news... the Mr is ready for a motorcycle of his own.  This is something that both terrifies me and excites me.  Mr told me about his plans for a motorcycle before we even started dating.  Now that we have the money and are in such a pretty location, it is time.  I want him to ride because he LOVES to ride!  I know that it is something he can do just for himself, and he really deserves that... But at the same time, we are both well aware of the dangers of riding a motorcycle in this part of the country/ any part of the country, really. 

He has been looking and looking and looking at bike adds, but hasn't had the nerve to call anyone to make an offer.  So today I put my foot down.. "MR, IF YOU DON'T CALL AND PUT IN AN OFFER TODAY, I AM GOING TO DO IT FOR YOU.  AND YOU BETTER BELIEVE YOU ARE GOING TO GET THE ONE THAT I THINK LOOKS THE PRETTIEST!!"  Mr was afraid to spend that much money on himself, which is what I thought might be the cause of the delail.  But after my very dangerous threat (lol), he decided that he was going to put in an offer.  So this time next week, we may be the proud owners of a Honda XR650, possibly in pink depending on who makes the call first. 

I'll just continue hoping and praying that my Mr stays safe on these crazy roads. 

Enjoy this beautiful Saturday! 

Thursday, September 15, 2011

The Evolution of Weenie Pants

When I was choosing a blog address, I was hoping for something that would be hard for my family and friends to find.  When I know that people I have to see everyday are reading something I write, I tend to edit my words just like in a normal conversation.  That was not the point.  So I thought the secret nickname we call our dog was probably pretty safe. 

Knowing that it is kind of a strange name, I had to do a quick google search before I picked it to make sure nothing too dirty came up if I would mis-type (Don't worry, it was all G rated). The best hit was this:

Weenie in My Pants:
to misunderstand someone for something very inappropriate. Similar to a Freudian slip.
Bob: I just did another
You: You just did my mother?
Bob: Na bro thats not what I said.
You: Sorry that was totally a "weenie in my pants"

But enough about the blog.  Lets talk about the evolution of my little lady's name.  I have this great friend I met in medical school (really, she is one of the greatest people I know!). When we first met, she told me the story about her nickname, and how it came about.  Her nickname was Dusty Pants.  After hearing the story, which is hilarious, I went home and called Mr, during our conversation I happened to tell him about my new friend and her nickname.  The next time Mr was in town and saw Zoe, he looked straight at her and called her Weenie Pants.  Zoe being the polite little nugget that she is, wagged her tail at the Mr.  That is how Weenie Pants as we know her was born. How Zoe came into our family is a little longer...
When I was a junior in college, I was starting to consider medical school.  I knew that I would be moving away from my undergrad, and thought that having a dog would make a far-far-away move easier to handle.  Mr (who wasn't Mr yet, still Boyfriend) didn't agree.  He was away on Co-op in Indiana, and didn't want to get a dog until we were living together (good thing I was stubborn because that took 2 more years!)
Well  I was a little impatient, and started to fill out adoption paperwork from the animal shelters nearby. I've never adopted a child, but I would have to assume that the paperwork is CRAZY!!  I had to fill out hundreds, seriously, HUNDREDS of documents saying what kind of pet owner I was going to be, as well as provide at least 5 references saying I was financially responsible and a good person.  (Side note: the Army didn't even require that many references when I commissioned!)
After a few weeks I was losing hope that adopting a pet at 21 was going to work out.  Every shelter shot me down, saying I was just too young.  During finals week, I got a call from a woman who saw that I had experience with a family dachshund.  She said that they just had an entire litter dropped off, and one little lady was pretty sick.  She thought that my experience with weenies might make me a good candidate. 
Although a wiener dog wasn't my first choice, I drove out to see the puppies the next day.  A tiny little lady, the smallest of the group and covered in bald spots, came running around the corner, knocking into walls, to fling herself onto my lap.  It was love at first sight, and this is how our family of 3 started.
Zoe was sick when I first got her.  She was taken away from her mother very early, and they believed that she was immunocompromised because of this, as well as infections they were treating.  She also had demodectic mange, which gave her hilarious bald spots all over her little body.  They told me that it wasn't likely the hair was going to grow back, but the rest of her problems would be manageable.
I moved 4 hours away after graduation, ready to start medical school.  I didn't have a roommate and I didn't know anybody, but I had my Zoe.  If you have gone through medical school, than you know how terribly lonely it can be, and if you haven't, let me tell you!  Some days I would sit at my table and study all. day. long. and the only life I would see would be my Zoe.  She was the only reason I would take a break, and the only reason I would get fresh air.  I would have died with out my weenie pants!  I'm quite certain this is when Zoe went from my dog to my angel (if you can't tell with my little obsession)
When Mr graduated in May, he moved down to join the little lady and I. It took Z and the Mr a few weeks of adjusting, but in the end, we really make a great little family!  Zoe even greets him first when we get home!
And that is the story of my sweet Weenie Pants.  She is a great dog.  I've been trying to think of some fun facts I could tell you, but that will have to wait for another post! 
Zoe's favorite hideout! She fit just perfect in the open window

Napping with the Mr

Unpacking my packing

Riding around in PIB in a bike stroller

She was a bumble bee for Halloween

How she sleeps if you don't bug her!

Tanning in the sunshine

The first picture I have of my lady!  The good news is... her hair grew back and she is a beauty!

On a different note: today was the first day of fall weather here. It was amazing! The leaves are turning and falling already, the breeze was cool, and the sky was incredible! I'm looking forward to another amazing season in Hocking Hills. 

If you haven't made a trip to see Hocking Hills, Ohio in the fall, you are missing out.  I have lived in Ohio my entire life, and never knew anything so beautiful existed in my state.  It makes a great and cheap vacation! 
Hope your day was as beautiful as mine!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Domestic Goddess

I'm in medical school.  Medicine is typically viewed as a male dominated profession.  I'm an Officer in the Army, also a very male dominated profession.  My very sweet husband is as masculine as they come, and my two  best friends are also males.  Sometimes I think the only thing keeping me at all female is my sweet little Zoe, and even she is a Tom-boy.  I think being interested in so many things male oriented is a huge testament to my personality.  Looking at the people I surround myself with and the career and life choices I have made, it shouldn't surprise anyone that I demand to be treated equal to my male colleagues/peers. 

Sometimes this is hard for men to understand, and I'm immediately labeled "bitchy". In my opinion that is inaccurate, and bitchy could be replaced with "confident in my abilities" or "not intimidated by your penis".  I recently read a blog post quoting Proverbs, and what it means to be a good wife.  At first I was interested, but by the end I found myself infuriated by what I was reading.  To me, it just seemed ridiculous!  The idea of waking up before dawn to make my husband breakfast, making my own clothes, or having to "enjoy knitting and sewing" to be a good wife is a joke. 

I can't speak for other women, but for myself, those are unrealistic standards.  Mr married me because I'm stubborn, strong willed, dedicated and confident in my abilities as a person and a woman.  I am no less of a woman or any worse of a wife because I buy my clothes from the store or make breakfast with my husband instead of for my husband. Hubster fell in love with me because of the unique characteristics that make me who I am, regardless of my housekeeping skills. Mr is my partner in life.  He is the man who will stand next to me, never behind or in front of me.  When I read things like the Proverbs story, or that women still abide by those standards, it makes me so sad.  It makes me feel like they are comfortable standing behind their men. It IS POSSIBLE to give your loved ones all the support and encouragement they could ever need next to them, as an equal, and not as lesser human being. 

I am no less a person than my husband.  I love my husband with every single ounce of my being, and I know that he is the very greatest person I have ever known. But I will not respect myself any less than I respect him.  I love cooking Mr breakfast, but sometimes its nice to sleep in and have Mr cook me breakfast, or even better, wake up to cook together. .  I have never minded doing housework, but there is nothing in my DNA that says I have to do all the housework while he relaxes.  Please don't misinterpret what I'm saying. I put great value in improving my patience, kindness, and support, as well as believe in always trying to improve myself.  But I don't think "trying to be perfect" is the right answer.

I think Proverbs uses one example to show a unique set of characteristics that make that fictitious character a good wife for her particular husband.  But that is just one blueprint of one type of women, and there are millions of different kinds of women out there, and millions of men that are looking for women that possess something different than just those particular skills.  What that reading describes is not the "perfect woman", which I believe to be misquoted constantly, she is the "Domestic Goddess".   Where the disconnect falls with me, is where all women think that the Domestic Goddess characteristics are what they have to possess to be successful or worth something.  You are perfect. You are perfect in your shortcomings, mistakes, flaws and attributes alike. God made you who you are for a reason!  Each characteristic that you possess is unique to you, and that is beautiful. I don't think there is anything wrong with working to be the Domestic Goddess, but I don't believe at all, that those are the only qualities that make you a good wife or partner!

 I hope that no woman or girl reads that text and lets it diminish their self worth one bit. Maybe that woman is really good at sewing on buttons, but can she perform a total knee replacement like some women I know?  Can she lead a team of 20 soldiers onto a battlefield with every single one depending on her to come out safe, like other women I know?    Does her husband look at her with the same respect he  feels when he looks in the mirror?

 I bet not. 
I think what you lack in cooking ability, maybe you make up for in a little extra spunk or creativity.  The extra attitude you have might make you really determined and strong willed.

I hope that reading this helps you feel empowered and beautiful and confident.  I hope it makes you proud to be the amazing woman, man, or something in between, that you are!! 
This picture empowers me! It makes me feel strong, fierce, and capable!

This one too!  That's me and the Mr!
Love Love LOVE rafting the Gauley River in West Virginia!

What empowers you??

***I would also like to ensure no one is getting the wrong idea.  I don't think there is anything wrong with staying home with your family.  I think in fact, the women that don't stay home are constantly feeling the pressures to do more to take care of their families, and less to pursue a career. I'm sure everyone feels pressures to do something or not do something differently.  What I was trying to stress here is that each person has a set of gifts that they should be proud of.  And no matter if your gifts are cooking and raising kids, or maintaining an ER, you should be proud of those gifts, and work to do your very best at them!  I don't think it is wrong to stay home and be a wonderful wife and mother, but I also know that it is NOT wrong to pursue a career!  Sometimes its hard to hear over and over and over that "I am going to be missing out on so much", or "what does your husband think about you working...", or "oh... you are going to have to work... that's so sad.."  It gets old, hurtful, and frustrating,  and I know you ladies feel the same crappy pressure to be somebody that you are not, no matter what those pressures are! 

I hope today you can soar above the pressures and be proud of whatever role you fill!!   
Hope that clarifies!

Monday, September 12, 2011

First Exam

PS. The hubby thinks his first exam went well!!  I am so proud of him! He is out at the bar celebrating a homework free night with some friends, before his new classes start again at 8am tomorrow.

A Day In the Life

A day in the life of Mrs.
6:00am- alarm goes off, snooze button
6:09am-alarm goes off, snooze button
6:18am- get out of bed.. probably the saddest part of any given day
7:00am- finish getting ready so I can take weenie pants for her morning walk
7:30am- get home from walk, grab multiple piles of crap thrown about the apartment
7:40am- drop Mr off at school for his very first medical school exam "Good luck Brew"
7:55am- Hospital for Orientation to Ortho Surgery
8:30am- want to shoot myself because orientation is that boring.
9:30am- back to campus for some hardcore studying. OMM review winter quarter last year
Noon- Table Trainers mandatory 1 hour meeting- at least they feed us delicious soup!
1:10pm- Regional Neuro Anatomy II
2:10pm- Physiology and Anatomy of Cranial Nerves I
3:10pm- Physiology and Anatomy of Cranial Nerves II
4:00pm- hurry up and send the Army the last of my marriage documentation so they stop yelling at me.  Multiple phone calls/ texts to the hubster to make sure we have everything filed correctly
4:10pm- Anatomy of the Cerebral Cortex I
5:00pm- Run and Abs
6:15pm- Study OMM with Big and Tall
7:30pm- husband rescues me from studying
8:00pm- dinner!  I was so hungry! 
8:15pm- sit down and write my second blog of all time while entertaining weenie pants on my lap
8:30pm- I will have at least another 2-3 hours of solid studying left.  I hope 3, but would be happy with 2 if it would be quality. 

Wooooooooooo! I'm tired just thinking about all that stuff lol.  I LOVE it though. I knew when I decided I wanted to go to medical school I was choosing a lifestyle, and not a career. I knew that it would mean long nights of studying, long days of classes, and lots of following around -not-so-friendly- doctors.  I'm ok with that, because in the long run, I will be able to help people using knowledge that I love!  It makes it even better that the Mr is in the same field.  He understands all the amazing details in medicine! He gets as excited as I do when we hear of a new treatment or fresh research.  It makes it even more special.  I didn't grow up wanting to be a doctor, but I'm sure glad thats where I'm heading now.

What do your days look like? I'm sure they are much more exciting than mine! 

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Only the Beginning!

So I finally did it! I set up the blog I have been thinking and toying with for months.  Since I should be studying for my practical on Wednesday, and not spending hours creating this blog, the first post will have to be short and sweet. 

I'm very excited to finally have this project up and running! Its something I have been talking about since The Mr and I got married on July 7th, 2011. So many ideas and thoughts go through my head, I felt like I needed to start writing them down.  We are in such an exciting time in our life, and I don't want to forget a thing.  For now, this will have to do.

 On my list of important stories to get working on:
1. How we met
2. Our wedding week
3. Our decision to join the military
4. Our decision to start medical school
5. How I keep myself sane when I'm trying to deal with 3-4 haha 

I would also like to send my love, thoughts and prayers to those individuals who lost loved ones because of September 11th, 2001.  Today was such a sad, yet beautiful reminder of how very special it is to be part of this amazing country.  Today you were in my prayers all day.  I hope God is bringing you peace and comfort.

Can't wait to chat again!

With all My Love,
The Mrs